Ferran Brosa Planella
Assistant Professor at the Mathematics Institute (University of Warwick)
Contact details
Office C0.16
Mathematics Institute, Zeeman Building
University of Warwick
Coventry, CV4 7AL
Ferran.Brosa-Planella [at] warwick.ac.uk
Pronouns: he/him
About me
I am an Assistant Professor at the Mathematics Institute and the Centre for Applications of Mathematical & Computing Sciences of the University of Warwick, and the Principal Investigator of the Mathematical Modelling for Sustainability Group. I am also a Co-Investigator of the Multi-Scale Modelling project of The Faraday Institution. My research interests are in the broad area of industrial and applied mathematics, with a particular interest in modelling of physical processes for sustainable development applications. I combine analytical techniques and numerical techniques to develop and study mathematical models, and use them to provide insight on real-life systems. From a mathematical point of view, I am interested in heat and mass transfer, continuum mechanics, moving boundary problems, and dynamical systems.
I understand research as a collaborative and interdisciplinary endeavour and enjoy working with experts from both academia and industry to bring together models and applications. I am also a strong supporter of open science and I am a core developer of PyBaMM, an open-source battery modelling software with state-of-the-art models and methods. I am also a co-founder of Ionworks, which develops battery modelling software.
Previously, I worked in WMG (University of Warwick) as a Research Fellow and Senior Research Fellow on modelling of lithium-ion batteries. I did my PhD at the Centre for Doctoral Training in Industrially Focused Mathematical Modelling (InFoMM) of the University of Oxford, supervised by Dr Robert Van Gorder and Prof Colin Please, and in collaboration with Elkem, on modelling solidification of silicon. Before, I studied a double degree in Mathematics and Industrial Engineering at the Centre de Formació Interdisciplinària Superior of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.